Reno, Nevada Swimming School for Young Children • Teaching with Love, Knowledge, & Care

Swim Team

Ages: Kindergarten 5-6 year olds, 1st Grade 6-7 year olds, 2nd Grade 7-8 year olds, & 3rd Grade 9-10 year olds

Swimmers must meet the minimum requirement of being able to swim 25 yards freestyle and backstroke. Team practice includes refinement of all 4 competitive strokes – freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly, as well as starts, turns, & finishes. Our team program also offers the benefit to children on local swim teams to refine their strokes in a small group setting, helping them achieve their swimming goals.

During the Summer Session our coaching staff will accompany Team swimmers to compete in 3 USS novice swim meets and one day at the summer swim championship meet.