Reno, Nevada Swimming School for Young Children • Teaching with Love, Knowledge, & Care

Youth Lessons

Ages: Kindergarten 5-6 year olds, 1st Grade 6-7 year olds, & 2nd grade 7-8 year olds

Children are placed in age and ability appropriate lessons; non-swimmers, beginner swimmers, intermediate swimmers, advanced swimmers, and team swimmers. Non-Swimmers are required to attend two day per week lessons. Any child that can swim short independent swims, a minimum of 5-10 feet, without fear, may opt for a 1 day or 2 day per week lesson. All of our swimmers are within our 90-92 degree heated instructional pool for their entire lesson — NO sitting on pool decks awaiting their turn! Swimmers are placed with one of our year round professional aquatic teachers for the entire school year or summer swim programs — NO setbacks from too many teacher changes!
